ECOSYSTEM ENGINE, Acrylic paint and graphite, 114”x330”, 2018

ECOSYSTEM ENGINE, Acrylic paint and graphite, 114”x330”, 2018


ANISOPTERA ENGINE (DRAGONFLY), graphite and acrylic on mylar, 18.5"x27.25, 2012

CICADA ENGINE, graphite and acrylic on mylar, 18x24, 2014

APIS MELLIFERA MACHINE (HONEY BEE), graphite and acrylic on mylar, 33"x26"

MANTIS MACHINE, light box-steel, digital C print, 27"x39", edition of 3, 2011

MANDUCA QUINQUEMACULATA (TOMATO WORM), Graphite and acrylic on mylar, 19"x26", 2013

POLITICAL ENGINE, graphite and acrylic on paper, 63"x86", 2009

POLITICAL ENGINE - V2, Light Box diptych, digital C print, 60"x148" 2009-2017

MONARCH MACHINE, Light box-steel, digital C print, 12" x 12", 2010